速報APP / 運動 / DECADE for Instructors

DECADE for Instructors





版本需求:Android 4.1 以上版本



聯絡地址:720 West First North Street Morristown, TN 37814

DECADE for Instructors(圖1)-速報App

This App is for Instructors looking to use DECADE with their Students.

You can't play the odds if you don't know the odds

Stop Wasting Shots & Get The Results You Deserve

Harness the DECADE strategy that is used by:

-5 World #1's

DECADE for Instructors(圖2)-速報App

-PGA Tour Winners

-Web.com Winners

-NCAA Champions

-USGA Champions

Through the DECADE app, you get access to the proven and revolutionary DECADE Strategy. Tour Level Course Management and Statistical Profiling at your fingertips, anywhere. Learn how tournament winners manage their game by optimizing course strategy.

DECADE for Instructors(圖3)-速報App

Also, unlike other tools on the market, DECADE will constantly bring you fresh new video content on a weekly basis, due to work with our PGA Tour players and top college programs.

Its not about Strokes Gained as much as it’s about reducing Strokes Lost.

DECADE for Instructors(圖4)-速報App